Thursday, 10 January 2013

feral tape ~ ferric mesmerism ???

Well as is the way of things. There has been a few issues that needed addressing before the 'Rats in the Walls' compilation could be released. now after removing problem submissions and also creating a audio hex against said parties. the c60 + booklet is waiting on the cover art to be finnished..(this being the other problem as the original artist who's cover was alomost going to print turned around and showed us a side we had no knowledge of before...nasty man)

so most likely Febuary will be the month.


May Kittens eat babies

My photo
London, United Kingdom
Kitsi Noiz is a energetic force.Magnetic or Repelent. Our freinds are magnetic they play the in night.Branches break our falls from grace. May kittens Barbed and Insatiable.